Mini Meadow Book Cover

Mini Meadows: Grow a Little Patch of Colorful Flowers Anywhere around Your Yard

ISBN-13: 978-1612128351

This is my review of the book:

Ive been hear a lot about the bees and conveniently I also hate mowing my law. I’m also too cheap to pay someone to water, fertilize and cut this 3 season brown patch of earth, just so that my HOA can continue to support the ideals of the British Monarchy through lawn care. Instead, this book presents an alternative idea to the typical green lawn—your own flowering meadow! I was honestly surprised by the thoroughness of this book. There are step by step instructions with correlating photos for what looks like the easiest planting method I’ve seen. But I really like the pages on “what to expect in the first 30, 60, 90 days”. There’s even a section on which flowers freely reseeding (free plants for the future) and which plants were perennials (forever seasonal flowers). This book has recommendations for flowers in swampy yards, flowers for dry clay yards like mine, and several other soil types too. Beyond the soil types, this book also covered growing regions. From the Northeast to Pacific Northwest, this book gave recommendations for flowers that will grow best in all the major growing regions. But if you don’t have acreage to grow on, no worries, can plant a mini meadow in an pot or in a tiny patch for your kids to play in. If you want the easiest way to feed the bees, forget the lawnmower and plant a meadow full of flowers! I’m really inspired to get a bag of native wildflower seeds from the author’s website, and you should too! (And NO they didn’t pay me for this review. I really enjoyed this book so much that I’m sending a copy to each of my sisters.)  – Doug Land.


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